Here are a few pictures of our Championship game!

Now onto the next step. I am not sure why I am doing this, but I decided to go to Canada and tryout for their National Team here because of the Dual Citizenship that I have. I am officially not eligible to play for Canada until I go through a lot of
paperwork with the USA, so right now I am just training with the B Team until then. I hope to be able to be cleared and training with the A Team soo
n, we will see. So right now I plan on being here for another month or two until I know if I am cleared or not. It has been an amazing experience so far, and
I have been so blessed to have the teammates and coaches that I have had, they are such amazing people and I get along with them so well! I can't be more thankful for how blessed I have been through all of this!
Another huge blessing through all of this has been the church! The church is truly my family everywhere I go, and I can't thank the members enough in S
lovenia, and now in Canada! They help me to have the balance that I need, as well as help me to keep the right perspective of what the most important things are in life. I could not do it without the members and the church!