I then had another Thanksgiving Dinner with all of the missionaries over here in Slovenia! What better way to spend Thanksgiving away from family, then with the missionaries! Pictures were taken, but I have not received them yet, so I apologize that there are no pictures with the missionaries.
The team is doing pretty good right now. We are doing really well in Slovenia, but in our league, which is with Croatia, Austria, and Slovakia, we are in the middle of the pack right now, so not too bad considering the level of teams that we are playing, but we could definitely be doing better. It has been such a blast to play such high level teams, I truly am learning so much each time that I play! Our club here in Kamnik had a pretty big thing happen about a week ago! It was the first time in Slovenia's history where both the guys and the girls club team for the same club, both reached the Semi-Finals for the Slovenian Cup Tournament!! So, there were cameras and news reporters everywhere, and the whole city was going crazy! It was really fun to be a part of! The Semi-Finals and the Finals for the Slovenian Cup will be on January 9th and 10th, and so I am excited that the guys and us girls are both going to be there!
This past weekend my team went to Greece for a tournament. It was the first time some of these girls have been on a plane, let alone in a hotel. It was really fun to be with them for their first experience and it truly made me feel so grateful for the experiences that I have had! So here are a few pictures to catch up on the past month!
Oh yes one more thing, here in Slovenia they do not know what pancakes are. They make crepes and put Nutella in them, but they do not know what American pancakes are, they have just heard about them. So I was able to make pancakes for my team and I was pretty impressed with how they turned out, especially since I had no idea what I was buying. They do not have syrup here and so we had to make due with Nutella, strawberries and bananas, so they were just as good!
Glad to hear that you were able to have Thanksgiving! Congrats on making the semi-finals...good luck!