The last month or so I have been able to go on a few adventures either in the mornings before practice, or on our days that we get off every once and awhile. The first adventure that my roommate and I had was visiting the castles and caves nearby in a place called, Postojna. They wouldn't let us take pictures in the cave, so here are just a few from the castle, it was incredible! How in the world did they build something like this back in the day? It boggles my mind!

We then went on a fun little trip to Venice, Italy with my coach's family. It was so much fun! It was near the big Valentine's Holiday here, which they don't celebrate Valentine's like we do back in the states. Their Valentine's is like our Halloween, they basically wear costumes to scare away the winter. So in Venice, that is why they have all of the masks and costumes that you might hear about, because that is the main costume for the Holiday. So there were a lot of people in Venice because of the Holiday, and their were masks everywhere! It was a lot of fun! It was also fun to go with my coach's family! The people here have been so good to my roommate and I, we have been so blessed!