Well we are finally entering into our last week of Pre-Season! My coach has tried to schedule as many games as he can to give us the experience that we need as a new team before our Season starts. This past week we played 9 games!!! I did not think that he was serious by telling us how many games we had, but he was and I have never been so tired in my life. By the last game I was not getting off the ground because of how tired my legs were. I hardly get off the ground anyways, so this was really bad! We are now 13-0 and ranked 2nd in Slovenia, so not too bad at all! Right now Maribor is #1 and we play them next weekend, and so I am excited to see how we match up against them. They have many of the Slovenian National Team players on their team, so it will be fun to play against them!
I am beginning to understand more and more what people are saying. It is fun to be able to learn some of the Slovene language, even though I am laughed at because of how terrible I am at it! The food is great, the people are so sweet, and the country is gorgeous, so I can't complain at all!
The branch that I am going to is absolutely amazing and I am learning so much from the members here and the sacrifices that they are going through to be the only members of the church in their families! It is truly humbling to be around them!! They radiate with goodness! They are working towards building the church in Slovenia from a Branch to a Stake in less than 5 years, so it is so neat to be a part of amazing missionary work that is taking place right now!